Are you familiar with the Winnie the Pooh characters?

What if I told you Rabbit may be working on your quality assurance team? Owl might be your accountant. Tigger could be one of your salespeople. I know this sounds silly, but hear me out…
If you’re familiar with the Enneagram (a system of typing personalities, not a geometry term), you know what a superb tool it is for understanding the people around you. What you may not know is that it can also be related to the Winnie the Pooh characters as a quick way to type people.
Here is a brief of each type, and the Do’s & Don’ts of how to support them on your team:
●Enneagram 1: Rabbit
Rabbit is an organized, practically-minded, detail-oriented individual who also keeps things running along schedule (sometimes to a fault). In the show, Rabbit is a great problem-solver and tends to his straight-as-an-arrow garden well. Rabbit has great strengths in meeting deadlines and your expectations. You may be working with a Rabbit if you have a team member who is devoted to quality, justice, and exactness.
●Enneagram 2: Kanga
Kanga, the mother of Roo, is loving, nurturing, and conscientious. Kanga in the show is tending to the group’s needs, playing the role of helper. Kanga is her best self when she’s needed. You may have a Kanga working in Human Resources, Customer Service or in a position where they get much face-to-face interaction with people. This is where they thrive.
●Enneagram 3: Christopher Robin
Christopher Robin isn’t a typical Enneagram 3 in the show, but he definitely shows some qualities of one. Christopher Robin is great at bringing the group together, as Enneagram 3’s are. Enneagram 3’s are natural leaders as they are charismatic and wired for productivity. Image-conscious, a Christopher Robin excels in presenting ideas of any kind.
●Enneagram 4: Eeyore
Eeyore is more than a Johnny Raincloud. Eeyore understand emotions and great emotional depth (though he often wallows in it in the show). An Enneagram 4 is also wildly creative and has a gift of seeing things with a unique perspective. If you need a refreshed perspective on a project, ask an Eeyore.
●Enneagram 5: Owl
Owl is information-oriented, analytical, and often has his nose in a book. Owl is the one in the group who has a wealth of information of all kinds, and is extremely intelligent. Owls are often most quiet, as they are private and tend towards observation. They do not like to rely on anyone as they have great trust in themselves.
Piglet is a loyalist: committed to Pooh Bear throughout the show. While Piglet is also a worrier, Piglet is pointing out the concerns no one else may be seeing. A Piglet will thrive on your planning team as they will help you see the worse-case-scenarios or potential trouble spots you may be missing.
●Enneagram 7: Tigger
Tiggers make great salespeople, or being in any position where they are asked to engage with people. They have incredible energy levels and can get anyone hyped up on an idea. Tigger in the show is quite literally bouncing from one exciting thing to the next. Send out your Tiggers first when you need an energy shift in the workplace. They are fun, lively, and everyone loves to be around them.
●Enneagram 8: Roo
Roo is a challenger – he challenges the given situation, or the opinion of another to find something better. Enneagram 8s have a commanding and intense presence. They are motivated by a need to be strong, and are not afraid of confrontation. In fact, they often seek it. A healthy Roo is perfect in a role of advocate.
●Enneagram 9: Pooh Bear
Pooh Bear: a friend to all. Pooh Bear, more so than any other character, gets along with everyone. Pooh Bear is so easygoing, his presence alone will lower cortisol levels. Pooh Bears are the peacemakers. You may have a Pooh Bear in your workplace if they champion seeing common ground, and are able to merge two seemingly-opposing ideas. A Pooh Bear makes an excellent diplomat.
There’s plenty more to learn about each type. If you want to dive deeper, check out the
Enneagram Institute. Learning even just small bits of information about how your team might function differently, and why, can encourage cohesiveness in your team as a whole.